My interview with God

If you had the opportunity to meet with God, face to face and you had to ask him questions you’ve been dying to ask him all your life, what would you say?

Well, this is what I would say, and even though this scenario did not physically take place, I am certain the Holy Spirit influenced the answers of my character of God. May the Holy Spirit be the one that helps YOU find your own answers to some of the painful questions you might have about life to God. Enjoy!

Me (*sigh*): Well, what a journey, you’ve known me even before I knew myself but me knowing you personally, it’s been almost 10 years!

God (*smiles*): Well, the journey is only just begun, there’s so much of me that I still want to show you and there’s so much of you that you still need to experience! 10 years? It feels like a day!

Me: A day? Some moments in my life felt like a decade! There are situations that I’ve faced over the years, that at the time I was certain they would kill me.

God: Nothing is above you kid, I always weigh it before I okay it…I trust you so much that I’m absolutely sure you can conquer anything.

Me: Anything? Lord I doubt it, I….

God (*cuts me off*): That is the problem, YOU DOUBT too much, you have no idea the power allocated to you through my son Jesus…with his resurrection, he shared his power with you.

Me: But somethings are just sooo hard to get over! So many of us are facing tremendous problems everyday and we are so drained from them all that it becomes so hard to trust you in our difficult times.

God: I never left you alone, the Holy Spirit is always there for comfort and my Word for strength…

Me (*I cut God off*): Well sometimes all we need is an answered prayer, So Sorry for cutting you off.

God (*holds my hand*): Its alright, this is a conversation between friends, I want you to be able to tell me how you feel, anytime you feel it.

Me (*i blush*): I just don’t want to be rude.

God (*smiles*): You are honest and I love that about you. To answer your distress, sometimes an unanswered prayer is an answered prayer. Most of my kids need to be broken, taken apart and rebuilt in order to have them functioning on their full potential.
Some need to be taught to wait and trust completely through their waiting process. You need to understand that some lessons can only be given and learnt through your going through the fire. The fruits of the spirit for example, you do not learn such by being on the top of the mountain, you learn it while in the deepest valley so that when you reach the top, you already know everything you need to know to be able to sustain yourself there. My servant Paul is of great example of this, he said he knew what is to have and what it is to not have at all. He was a man who layed silently in the fire because he understood that times change and when they do, your spirit has to be able to rise above anything.

Me: Wow, that’s a mouthful, but I do understand what you mean. Its a ll about patience, perserverence, prayer, persistence and the power of resilience right?

God (*smiles*): You are a smart kid (chuckles), I knew you’d be like that.

Me (*BIG smile*): Its still hard though, sometimes it feels like I’m all on my own, I cry to you in so much pain because it feels like my problems are weighing me down and I feel so lost, so empty, so hopeless…

God (*comforts my heart*): Well kid, isn’t there something wrong with what you saying? Faith is not a feeling, its a decision. If you are going to base your entire life on how “YOU FEEL”, you will miss out on a great deal of blessings. Sometimes, all I want from you is a simple decision to believe me against the odds or the seemingly failing situation. I want you to be able to witness my power to save you, no matter what situation you’re facing. I want you to be able to say “God can provide for me a job, money when I’ve run out, heal me from cancer and so forth”. How is the world going to know that I Am the Great I AM if my own children refuse to display my mighty power because they “feel” it is way too much to bear?

Me: I’ve failed you in that regard haven’t I? I mean, I sometimes complain, a lot.

God (*smiles knowingly*): You are human, you are justified! I just want you to trust me like you trust the sky is blue, imagine the possibilities and I’ll make them a reality.

Me: I do trust you, but for some odd reason, I always lose patience because it always seems like you never answer me when I really want you to.

God: Time is VERY important to me, all the universe is guarded by time. Everything knows its time, its season BUT with you, I bless you everyday. Some blessings though, even if I granted it at birth, they need time to mature and to fully develop into your desire. I blessed you with a loving man the moment you were born, but that blessing has been awaiting its maturity because at 10 years old, you are unable to appreciate and acknowledge its value in your life and so if it comes early, it automatically turns into a curse. That is why so many of my children abuse their blessings because there is no room to appreciate it.

Me: Do you think we sometimes miss our time? I mean when we are meant to receive such blessings, do we miss it?

God (*smiles*): You ask good questions. Yes! Sadly, some of my children miss their opportunity to be blessed because at the time, their life is occupied with a completely different course to that of their initial purpose. They put the more important things on hold, they procrastinate and pursue what seemingly makes them happy for that moment. And when the opportunity arises for them to be blessed, they are not in their area of blessing. Remember the 10 virgin girls?

Me(*I nod*).

God: Well the five waited and constantly checked their oil while the other grew tired of waiting and slept not realising they had run out of oil, when they ran to buy some, they came back to find that it was too late, the groom had arrived and the door was shut. This is a classic case of what my children are doing daily. They sleep! They don’t wait upon the Lord…If the groom promised to come, the groom will surely come.

Me: I don’t want to miss my blessing.

God: You won’t. If you walk with me, there will come a time when I won’t even have to tell you about the times, you will already know what time it is.

Me: I will know my time to receive something big from you?

God: Yes, just like my servant David knew he would contour Goliath even before he slayed his head. When you are in me, you become aware of the power to do all things. I become who you are and you dwell in who I Am.

Me: This is great news. This means, with you I can do all things.

God: There you go.

Me: God, this has been a great chat, thank you for reminding me that You are a great God and that You have my best interest at heart because You love me.

God: I’m always here to talk, for whatever reason you might need me for, I’m always available to you. Its like you always say…

Me (*cuts God off*): “you can go anywhere you want when you walking on your knees”.

God (*laughs out loud*): That’s the second time you’ve cut me off.

Me (*i laugh with joy in my heart*): You did say this was just a conversation between friends.

God laughs some more and so do I, he touches my hands with his and envelopes me in his arms…he places the warmest kiss on my cheek and says “I love you so much”…there’s tears of joy streaming down my cheeks and I say “I know, I love you too”. He later waves me goodbye and says “I’m right here, over there and everywhere, I’m always with you in spirit”.

*This is how I imagine it could be if I met God face to face*

What do Christian MEN want?

If you are in your twenties, mid or late, marriage is MOST definitely on YOUR mind! You either think about it or get asked about it more frequent than the average Joe on the street. At this particular age, society almost EXPECTS you to wed but they never realise or take into consideration the tiny little particles that go into choosing the right mate and taking the plunge to say YES I’LL MARRY YOU!

So… What do christian men want when they are looking for the woman they would love to spend the rest of their lives with? A Proverbs 31 woman?

SHOCKING truth! Chances are the majority of christian women have the proverbs 31 woman traits in them:

1. Fears God
2. Believes in submitting to her man
3. Will offer respect in return for love
4. Family orientated
5. Believes in no sex before marriage
6. Hates sin too…
7. The list is endless, let’s stop right here!

So is it fair to say that though most of our traits are similar, it is that distinctive quality about a women that makes her who she is regardless of the 10 commandments?

Well, if this is true, why do most christian men have a problem with women who have certain preferences in the opposite sex? It seems to them that this is blasphemy!!! That it is utterly nonsense!!!
Gentlemen, gone…WAY GONE are those days when women married just to be married and fasted, prayed for love to come in the first 20 years of marriage and the next 20 wonder silently how it feels to be truly inlove! We now know better, so we do better (its in the scriptures, “my people shall perish for lack of knowledge”)…and we are not planning to perish so we empower ourselves with a huge intake of Godly knowledge! We spend time with ourselves, SELF DISCOVERY so we know what works and doesn’t work for us!

To the men that come to church to find a wife and then go back to their rugged ways, WE SEE YOU!!!

And to the men that still ask this question “why don’t you love me” when a woman turns you down, this down below is for you…


Before WE do..???

Spring is finally here, the world is especially on a grand high as this time of the year symbolises good times, parties, ignorant girls in skimpy clothes and all things ungodly. All of nature comes out to play during this time of the year, the beauty of God is displayed everywhere… Christians are no exception, they too wallow in the beauty of the season, they grandly dress up and take over all Saturdays from now until summer’s over! YES! We celebrate this warm feel of the year ATTENDING weddings or GETTING married!!!

I’m not yet married, and I unfortunately do not know what goes into the counselling sessions between the two love birds and whoever is counselling them, but I’ve always wondered whether the core questions that make up our life’s reality are put on the table.

1. Medical history, what the other person is suffering from and whether its a deadly disease or contagious.

2. Financial history, whether the other person is in debt or paying child support or paying the bond for their parents home or still supporting their parents or paying a siblings way through varsity.

3. Do YOU have kids, if yes, HOW MANY? And whether the kids’ other parent is dead or alive (very important to know if the other parent is alive, how are they involved in the child’s life).

4. Do you believe that contraceptives help you plan the family better or that they are a sin because only God can plan your family?

5. Do you tithe?

6. (Ok this is not a question but a suggestion for all those engaged or those thinking of getting married) Do a background check, visit their church if you are both not from the same church, hang with their friends…you can always tell a person’s future just by looking at their friends.

7. PRAY, PRAY and PRAY more that God reveals to you the nature of the one you’ve decided to marry, Pray again and again until YOU are hundred and God percent sure that THIS IS IT! It takes God and only him to confirm YOUR future and save you from a lifetime of misery!!!

This are just some of the questions I would have if I decided to marry someone I love and I would GLADLY offer all the answers to the questions the other person might ask…YES we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord but let us not forget that even the devil disguises himself into the angel of the Lord, let’s be wise by the help of the Holy Spirit and open our eyes to see all the Leopards wearing Sheep skin!

This is a crazy world, refuse to marry the wrong person because you were too blind to ask all the right questions when the time allowed! “Thathile Thatile”

God bless!





Inviting all interested to the 1bic read book club. Every month, we pick a book, read it and discuss it right back here on this forum! The plan to create a continuous social event where young people get together, share ideas on spiritual, financial and all other aspects of life in general. Maybe even go as far as publishing short stories or books that are written by the greatly talented Wo/Men of God out there! To join, please send me an inbox on facebook at Mildred Mashego or email me at and let’s start a movement of knowledgeable believers!


Where is the Holy Spirit?

In a society where the margin that separates the good from the bad slowly fading away and the voice of morality that keeps our conciousness in check slowly quietens down, the church finds itself in a constant battle to remain true and faithful to God the Master.
With pastoral positions given to individuals based on good teaching abilities, with individuals given the utmost respect based on great business/financial/educational background, with worshippers given the platform based on their ability to sing well, with the pastor’s son given a holy matrimonial ceremony regardless the fact that he has impregnated tons of girls in the church…it will seem, somewhere along the way, we lost him who was promised to us by our beloved groom Jesus Christ, who is Holy Spirit.

Questions of holiness and righteousness arise everyday. Questions that we now fail to answer as we’ve become a loud, empty gong with no substance. Have we lost our direction? Are we compromising holiness and God’s very presence in our quest to gain more people in our churches? Have we become pyramid schemes where the one who gives more than the one who gives his all is the one more likely to be blessed the most? Have we become a body that only sees God in a man who gives us “holy vaseline” to rub and heal us from bad spirits? Have we settled on the notion that them that speak in tongues speak the language of God better than them who prophecy in a language that all men can hear and understand? Who is this God that we have chosen to bow down to?

Have we lost our Joshua’s, men of God who stood firm on their decision to serve the one true God regardless of what society was doing? Where are the John’s and Jeremiah’s whom God implanted in them a message for the then generation? Who has the message God intended for this generation? Which man/woman, like Paul did, is willing to risk their own life if it means standing upright and sharing sound doctrine to believers everywhere? Who amongst us, is willing to teach the gospel of truth as Paul taught it to Timothy?

Look around you, we have become a body that dares not question men and women who have called themselves by his name but carry not the spirit of his being. We are so taken by signs and wonders that we forget how we were warned about these times of false prophets… Day in and day out, believers go from one church to the other searching for the God who is everywhere. People want an answer, they want a miracle, they want blessings BUT none of them want God. None of them want to seek him, his very true being. None of them want to be separated from their forbidden pleasures and their worldly nature BUT they want to be filled with good news, news that elevate them and make them believe they are doing okay, even in the darkness where their souls lore around without direction. AND we give them that, the church offers miracles, blessings, answers and personal upliftment BUT not God. Who are we trying to accommodate? The world?

How quickly we turned in our faith for a complete mockery just so we can be in power, so we can, blatantly become gods in our own right!!!!

We lost our vision bearers, we lost the Aaron and Moses of this Israel…We’ve lost the Holy Spirit!
It is a sad reality but honestly…We have lost our vision bearers!


When purpose is lost!

Thabo R. Seoka Snr

Thabo R. Seoka Snr

When Jesus was on earth He taught a lot of things using parables. Allow me in this article to use a parable to teach you about what happens when purpose is lost. I want to liken your life with a government department.

Just as a need must be identified before any department is established, your purpose existed before you were conceived.  You were born for a purpose and your life should be centred around fulfilling that purpose.
Each government department has a minister in charge, and so you are the minister in charge of your life. And just as each department has a budget allocated to it, the budget for your life is the time God gave to live in this world. He wants you to use your time on earth to fulfil the purpose He created you for. He also provided resources in the form of gifts and talents to help you fulfil your purpose.
But you see, sometimes ministers misuse, abuse, disuse and mismanage the budget and resources given to them. This happens when they focus on things other than the purpose for their departments were established.

Some years ago somebody gave me a very interesting definition of purpose. He said, “Purpose is the original intent of the creation of something”. This definition implies that there can be other purposes which you can fulfil other than the original purpose for which you were created. And when your life is centred around things which are not the original intent for your creation, you have lost your purpose. And when your purpose is lost, you will misuse, abuse, disuse and mismanage your time, money, energy, gifts and talents.
Add Thabo R. Seoka Snr on facebook or join one of the groups he posts his daily devotions : Inspired, Motivated and Moving forward!


Lets talk SEX!

I was in a friendly discussion with a friend and we were discussing the impact sex has in the church yet the body of Christ rarely ever engages itself in putting this issue on the pulpit. He brought it to my attention that majority of South Africans fall under the christian religion, yet South Africa is one of the highest ranked States with shocking statistics of HIV/AIDS. A country that struggles with an increasing rate of teenage pregnancy and abortion…all these people ARE in the church every sunday and yet the church battles to discuss SEX with the congregation in fear of sounding vulgar or ungodly!

When Kirk Franklin announced on Oprah, years ago, that he was a suffering porn addict, the whole body of Christ was up in arms! Some even went as far as to say, he was not a christian but “unomasonto” – a term used to describe people that go to church but have not yet converted to being born again Christians. This angered me as a young person who was born again and knew how some of my “born again christian” friends were having SEX with their partners or doing something of immoral nature! I couldn’t understand how we, as a body could be so judgemental, especially when these ills were happening right in the church!

How many of YOUR “born again christian” friends have had children before marriage and how many have come back to God afterwards?…a few right? This is because instead of dissecting the problem in the early stages, before these young girls fall pregnant, the church naively turns a blind eye but will be the very first to openly kill the morale of these kids by quoting every scripture that tells them how they are such a disgrace to the Faith and how they are going to hell for such a sin! The one thing the church hates is to be exposed for the many skeletons they keep in the closet!
We know that young christians are dating (and we encourage it), BUT we forget to tell them the pressures the human body will create and what feelings will be stimulated, when and how or what to do when such a situation arises! No one informs these kids about safe sex or contraceptives and why, because we naively believe that “OUR” kids are not having sex! Look at your church, your community…I hate to break it to you but YOUNG PEOPLE ARE HAVING SEX! Some with MULTIPLE partners!!!

We cannot stop it, but we can prevent it at every chance we get by providing more clarity on the subject for these kids, offer continuos sessions of counselling for young people that are dating or in a serious relationship. If these kids are thinking about it, then as a church, I suggest we talk to them about it. If we fail to prevent it, then let the church offer information on safe sex, because though we cannot always protect the soul, we can always try to protect the human body. A man once said that when someone is drunk, though the body is unaware of itself, the spirit remains sober and knows exactly what it is.

My point is, before we judge and point fingers at these young christians who have kids out of wedlock, let’s understand one thing, we are great contributors to those statistics…because the truth is, whenever there’s a problem and you don’t do anything to find a solution to that problem, automatically YOU become part of the problem!

God bless.


Dear Christian Men…

For some reason, ever since I was a kid, whenever my friends outside would talk about their view of “christian men”, they would always joke about how all of them looked like school teachers. The older I grew, the more similarities I saw between my christian brothers and my teachers. The leather jacket, the plain looking shirts with crazy colours like lime green or peach, the brand wood type of pants or the ones that look like they require a special hour of ironing just to sort them out (you know which ones I’m talking about, lol) and the black “school” type shoes with white socks!!!

So this is an open letter to all christian men, to please change up their look a little and try something worn by other men in this generation (preferably in other professions other than the educational sector). 1bicmove would like to voluntary offer their services and give pointers to our christian men as a sign of LOVE… We are after all called to cover each other in brotherly love *bbm wink face*. Hope you enjoy:

You are not a hanger so do not hang your suit, WEAR A FITTED SUIT

You are not a hanger so do not hang your suit, WEAR A FITTED SUIT

Wear more cardigans and try a man bag for your bible, writing materials, etc

Wear more cardigans and try a man bag for your bible, writing materials, etc

The bow tie is back, WEAR IT

The bow tie is back, WEAR IT

Belts are an accessory, it looks really good if a man is wearing a good tie and a good belt!

Belts are an accessory, it looks really good if a man is wearing a good tie and a good belt!

The military look NEVER fails!

The military look NEVER fails!

Try a new cut jean that is not yet in your wardrobe and work it with a blazer

Try a new cut jean that is not yet in your wardrobe and work it with a blazer

Wear a bit of bright colours but down it with a darker one, to still remain MANLY

Wear a bit of bright colours but down it with a darker one, to still remain MANLY

Get a good pair of SNEAKERS not runningshoes (there is a difference)

Get a good pair of SNEAKERS not runningshoes (there is a difference)

another example of a SNEAKER shoe

another example of a SNEAKER shoe

Still on shoes

Still on shoes

There is a whole lot of shoes to choose from other than the “black school type shoes”

These are beautiful shoes, christian men need good advice on shoes

These are beautiful shoes, christian men need good advice on shoes

This is a SNEAKER

This is a SNEAKER

Ok every man, christian or not needs a pair of all stars...BUT KEEP THEM CLEAN!

Ok every man, christian or not needs a pair of all stars…BUT KEEP THEM CLEAN!


Happy Woman’s Day #Proverbs31

Zanele Mbokazi (pic courtesy of
God gave women the power of influence”, this is a title of one of the Sermons preached by one of the greatest women of our generation, anointed by God to speak the message of Jesus in truth and in spirit, Mrs Mahlaba. One of the points she makes is that whenever the universe takes a turn, whether for good or bad, there is somehow a woman behind it all. She makes a reference on the beginning of time with Eva convincing Adam to eat from the forbidden tree of life which resulted in God separating from his unity with man; and when it was the virgin Mary who was purposefully chosen by God to carry the seed that will reconcile man with his God.
For me, every time I listen to this sermon, I’m reminded that God purposefully placed me on this earth, as a woman, to own that power of influence to bring about Glory to his name. To heal, to love, to comfort, laugh, to birth a new miracle every day I’m alive. The very fact that I am walking in my womanhood and celebrating it without shame is proof that I am in fact walking in my purpose!

As we pay homage to the women of August 9th, 1956, let us give a special #shoutOUT to the greatest women of our time who are making a difference and shaping the face of womanhood today!

Zanele Mbokazi ( is the driving force behind Gospel Powerhouse and youth empowering organisation Future leaders, also PR company, mirror image #shoutOUT
Khanyi Dlomo ( Editor of Destiny Magazine and the driving force behind media house, Ndalo Media.
Khensani Nkosi ( Global Fashion Designer behind the brand Stoned Cherrie.
Mrs Mahlaba (Gods Army Ministries) Woman of God who redefines the power God granted a woman in the body of Christ, Author, Motivational Speaker, Wife, Mother, Community Builder and counsellor!

WOMEN TO FOLLOW ON TWITTER: @teracarisaa @womenoffaith @womenofhistory @drbetty_dlamini @oprah @drannamichelle @paula_white @realtalkkim @proverbs31org @printedprint


P.s share with us the most inspiring women in your life, and. You can email me what you got up to (pictures) this women’s day at (


This is our very first post, soo excited! First thing’s first, my name is Mildred Mashego, saved! I have tons to share but you probably have lots to say too so we’ll just start by making small talk. I love God , got saved at 16teen years old. I love cooking, i hate doing the laundry. I love my family, I hated high school,  I listen to “uNkulunkulu nomtomusha”  religiously, I’d love to have dinner with Billy-Guy Bhembe and Sbu Leope, I miss Pastor N.J Sithole, I admire Nomthandazo Mashego and Akhona Jolakazi Neli (facebook friends) but  never comment or like the status’because I don’t want to come off stalker-ish, I think my best friend Girly has the most beautiful heart ever, I keep a gratitude journal, I love reading/literature, I listen to hip hop, I love Lupe Fiasco right now but I will always love Mos’Def and common, oh and Tumi from the Volume is the truth, I would love to go to a worship house concert, I cry everytime I listen to Glory of the last days.

I could go on, but the worst thing about small talks is that it always turns out to be long conversations so lets stop here for now. I was just saying Hi to you and hoping that hello goes a long way maybe to me and you talking and discussing things on a daily basis?

So please don’t be shy, tell me more about you too, remember we are keeping it on the small talk tip, we did only just meet right?